sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Jan 16, 2010 00:18
tales of the abyss, tales of vesperia, icons
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Oct 20, 2009 00:10
tales of symphonia, tales of the abyss, tales of rebirth, tales of hearts, tales of versus, tales of vesperia, icons
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Jun 22, 2009 23:46
tales of the abyss, tales of rebirth, star trek, tales of vesperia, icons
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying May 20, 2009 01:31
tales of the abyss, tales of rebirth, ffvii, tales of vesperia, icons
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Mar 30, 2009 19:17
tales of the abyss, icons
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Mar 03, 2009 22:56
tales of the abyss
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Mar 03, 2009 13:01
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Jan 15, 2009 00:08
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Jan 04, 2009 17:17
tales of the abyss, danjo, icons
sakurabatou wrote in terrafying Dec 13, 2008 22:44
tales of the abyss, 666 satan, icons